Apply for an ACU Citation or Teaching Award

Do you implement innovative strategies in your teaching that motivate and inspire students to learn? Receive recognition for your efforts by applying for an ACU Citation or VC Teaching Award. 

The Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) is excited to launch ACU Citations and Vice Chancellor Teaching Awards for 2023.

The scheme aims to recognise and reward staff members who have made significant and noteworthy contributions to student learning at the university. The table below highlights the categories available for recognition.

Award title Award amount
ACU Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching  $10,000 Individuals and teams who have made a significant and sustained contribution to excellent learning and teaching over at least five years.
ACU Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Teaching   $10,000
Individuals and teams who have made a significant and sustained contribution to excellent learning and teaching over at least five years.
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: General $5,000
Individuals and teams from academic and professional staff who have made a significant and sustained contribution to student learning at ACU over at least three years.
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: Early Career $5,000
Individuals with no more than five years’ experience teaching in a higher education institution including tutoring and part-time teaching, who have made a significant and sustained contribution to student learning over at least two years.
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: Sessional staff $5,000
Individuals and teams from sessional academic staff who have made a significant and sustained contribution to student learning at ACU over at least two years.
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: Integrating Catholic Intellectual Tradition in Teaching Practice $5,000 Individual and teams who have developed themes and activities which reflect Catholic Intellectual Tradition in units of study.
ACU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: Building Cultural Capacity  $5,000 Individuals and teams who have made a significant and sustained contribution to student learning through themes or activities which build cultural capacity.

Common criteria to evidence in your application include:

  • approaches to teaching and the support of learning that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn
  • development of curricula, resources or services that reflect a command of the field
  • evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning
  • innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or the student experience.

Staff wishing to apply for a citation must obtain endorsement from their National Head of School, Associate Dean Learning & Teaching (ADLT) or Executive Dean. Staff wishing to apply for a Vice-Chancellor’s Award must receive endorsement from their ADLT or Executive Dean. All signed nominations  must be included when final applications close on 8 September 2023.

Visit ACU Citations and Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Awards to view the 2023 Guidelines, application forms and additional resources.

If you have any questions, please contact the Awards and Grants team at

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