Free flu vaccinations for staff

-Image of note with words flu shot.

It’s time for you to get your annual influenza vaccination.  ACU's annual influenza vaccination program helps you to maintain your health and wellbeing, especially with the onset of the colder weather and impending flu season. ACU encourages all staff, including casuals and sessional staff, to participate in the program, voluntarily and free of charge.

The Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine is providing protection against seasonal strains and the swine flu, as recommended by the World Health Organization. Please read the Q&A Brochure, which provides valuable information about the vaccination.

NB. If you are unsure whether you should be vaccinated (e.g. due to a medical condition and/or you are allergic to eggs) please seek advice from your doctor first.

Make a booking

You are encouraged to book now to guarantee an appointment. The number of spaces at each of the campuses is limited to the days and times the University has arranged with the provider, Vitality Works.

Booking in is easy. To make an appointment, just click on the link (below) and follow the simple steps to confirm your appointment. You will receive a booking confirmation via email.  Please check your Junk Email folder if you don’t receive this confirmation. You will also get a reminder email or text the day before.

Book here: Vitality Works Booking System. If you experience any problems booking your appointment please call Vitality Works on 1300 662 328.

Bookings are available on the following dates:

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