After you have marked your Assignment submissions, you will need to re-upload them into LEO. This will allow your students to access any annotations you have added to their submission.

To re-upload the marked Assignment submissions into the LEO platform:

  1. Navigate to your unit from within LEO.
  2. Click on the Assignment activity.
  3. Click on 'View/grade all submissions'
  4. Ensure that all of your marked Assignment submissions are saved in a 'Zip' folder (A Zip folder is a way of compressing the size of digital files for the purposes of uploading or downloading. To do this you need to right-click your folder, and select 'Send to' and then 'Compressed Zip folder'.)
  5. Click on the dropdown menu under 'Grading action'. Select 'Upload multiple feedback files in a zip' from the options provided.
  6. Click 'Choose a file' and then locate the Zip folder on your computer or device. Click 'Upload this file'.
  7. Click on 'Import feedback file(s)'. In the new screen that opens click 'Confirm'.
  8. The next screen will confirm for you how many feedback files have been updated (uploaded), and how many of your students have had their feedback updated. Click 'Continue'.
  9. You will then be returned to the main grading interface. In this view you are able to view the student's original Assignment submission in the 'File submissions' column, and you can also view your own feedback file in the 'Feedback files' column.

When you download all of the Assignment submissions from the Assignment activity in your LEO unit, it is important that you do not change the naming structure of the files. Retaining the generated file names will allow you to reupload the files in bulk, rather than having to re-upload each file individually.

Page last updated on 14/01/2021

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