Celebrating ACU’s women

Last Sunday 8 March saw a worldwide celebration of International Women’s Day. This year’s theme focused on how an equal world is an enabled world.  ACU honours the achievements of women everywhere working to change the world for the better, and we celebrate the significant contributions of our female staff, students and alumnae. 

Making a difference

Visit the Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Awards website to see the stories of some of the amazing projects our staff have contributed to.  Our staff are making a difference in variety of fields including providing assistance to refugees, creating excellent immersion and career opportunities for students, supporting their colleagues and implementing leading-edge research in stroke patient care.

Changing their world

You can also explore the stories of just a few of the diverse and inspiring initiatives being undertaken by our ACU alumnae below:

Nicola ParkesNicola Parkes

ACU’s Young Alumni Award Winner 2019.




Kylie DuffyKylie Duffy

CEO of Women in Leadership and Executive Manager at Qantas Airways.




Melanie SabaMelanie Saba

Chief Executive of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.




Briony KennedyBriony Kennedy

Founder and CEO of Adorn Cosmetics.




Jackie De OliveiraJackie De Oliveira

Membership Engagement Specialist at the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust.




Mary OskiMary Oski

Director of Learning Services at Catholic Education Melbourne.

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