Adobe Connect 10 Upgrade

The Learning and Teaching Centre wish to advise all staff that Adobe Connect will be upgraded on Thursday, 10 October 2019. Adobe Connect meeting rooms and recordings may be unavailable and inaccessible between 6:00am and 11:59pm on this day while the upgrade is being performed.

We recommend rescheduling Adobe Connect meetings you have on this day to avoid any issues.

The version 10 upgrade improves the performance and security of Adobe Connect, adds a new look and functionality to the login screen, as well as adding a more accessible HTML5 meeting room user interface that improves the accessibility and functionality of Adobe Connect in the web browser.

The upgrade will not change how meeting rooms are created or accessed in Adobe Connect or when using the External Tool in LEO.

For information how these changes may affect your staff and students, please see the What’s New in Adobe Connect 10 page in the LEO Guides

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