Sharing the story of Catholic education in Australia

During the first week of March, ACU played host to a visit from two senior curial officials of the Holy See, His Excellency Most Reverend Angelo Zani and Professor Monsignor Guy-Réal Thivierge. Archbishop Zani is the Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education and the second-highest official in the Church dicastery that oversees Catholic education in universities, schools and institutes of higher study around the world. 

The purpose of their visit was to engage with leaders in Catholic education and hear about the story of Catholic education in Australia – our history, our diversity, our success and the present challenges that we face – both in the school and university sectors. This visit also served as an opportunity for the dicastery to introduce the Gravissimus Educationis Pontifical Foundation of the Holy See to the Australian Church. This newly established foundation, a personal initiative of Pope Francis and headed by its Secretary General, Prof. Msgr. Guy-Réal Thivierge promotes research, innovation and collaboration on Catholic education and formation.

The week-long visit to Sydney also deepened the ties that ACU has with a number of key stakeholders including the Chaldean Catholic community, other Catholic universities, theologates, parishes, schools and ministries in Australia, through meetings with staff, students, parents and education leaders in a number of education settings, particularly in the Diocese of Broken Bay, and Archdiocese of Sydney.
Being asked to host this visit for the Holy See is an affirmation of our University’s emerging international reputation as a leading Catholic university in the world, one which is closely aligned to the mission of the Holy See in education

Archbishop Zani and Monsier Thivierge with heads and representatives of Australian Catholic schools..
Archbishop Zani and Professor Monsignor Thivierge with heads and representatives of Australian Catholic schools.

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