Visual update to LEO

Image of computer and tablet featuring ACU websites in new brand.

As part of ACU’s new brand digital (web) rollout, there will be changes to the look and feel in LEO. This is part of the scheduled program to reflect the new brand in all ACU web sites and systems (digital touchpoints).

What will be changed?

  • The ACU logo and the LEO site’s colour scheme to reflect the new brand’s colour palette and ‘flat’ design;
  • Removal of all sub-branding in LEO to comply with ACU’s new brand architecture, remove unnecessary complexity and avoid diluting the impact of our brand with our various audiences, especially our students. As in the wider identification of faculties under the new brand architecture outside LEO as well, this means that faculty colours, heading and logos will be removed. Instead, each faculty unit will have the same look and feel from a base LEO template point of view.
  • Functionality and content will remain unaffected.

When will the changes occur?

Between Thursday 6 July 11pm to Fri 7 July 3am AEST (7 July). LEO will be unavailable during this period. The changes will occur on 6 July together with the Student Portal brand reskin launch.

If you have any questions, please contact: (Marketing and External Relations).

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