Launch of Manager Online – recruitment portal

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From 25 July 2016, Human Resources recruitment services will be introducing a new recruitment portal called Manager Online to enhance the recruitment experience for both hiring managers and candidates.

The new portal enhances Human Resources recruitment service delivery through improving the quality and timeliness of the recruitment experience and process for both the hiring manager and for the candidates.

The portal will:

  • Require that relevant recruitment and appointment information is provided only once;
  • Provide an online approval for recruitment and offer requests;
  • Provide the relevant hiring manager and the selection committee with early access to applications prior to the closing date if required;
  • Provide easy access to information for hiring managers with drop down menus, links and helpful hints;
  • Provide the successful candidate with access to read and/or complete new starter documentation online; and
  • Improve system reporting capabilities, including the timeliness of each step in the recruitment process, to inform ongoing improvements.

More Information:

Hiring Managers will have already received an invite to attend one of many information sessions which will introduce them to the new system and business process. Any other staff member who assists in commencing and tracking the recruitment process on behalf of a hiring manager is also encouraged to attend.

Assistance: For additional information or assistance please contact Recruitment Services on

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