Performance Review and Planning (PRP) process



 Learn how to get the most from your annual Performance Review and Planning (PRP) process. Professional staff and their supervisors can register for an information session in June - don't miss this last opportunity.

 Performance Review and Planning (PRP) information sessions are available to:

  • Professional staff
  • Supervisors of professional staff

Do you need a refresher on the PRP process for professional staff, or are you conducting or participating in the PRP process for the first time?

Every year between January and June, professional staff and their supervisor meet to reflect on and discuss the staff member's work performance and achievements. As part of the PRP conversation, they also set performance, career and professional development goals and activities moving forward.

The PRP process provides a framework to align the staff member's performance achievements and development with ACU's strategic objectives and support the ongoing achievement of a culture of performance excellence at ACU.

About the information sessions

The PRP information sessions are designed to prepare staff and supervisors to conduct the PRP discussions in 2015. The information sessions cover each stage of the PRP process, using the PRP pro-forma, and offer tips and hints for both staff and supervisors at each stage of the process.

Session details for staff

Monday 1 June 2015Video conference12pm to 1pm

Session details for supervisors

Wednesday 3 June 2015Video conference12pm to 1pm

Please note, the information sessions are scheduled for AEST.

Video conference rooms in each location are:

  • Brisbane Campus: Room AC.22 and Hub 12
  • North Sydney Campus: VC Room, Level 16, Tenison Woods House
  • Strathfield Campus: VC Room E2.45
  • Canberra Campus: Room 1.10
  • Ballarat Campus: Room 503
  • Melbourne Campus: Room TBC

Register now

Please register online via Staff Connect.

Search for course type code:

  • PRPPSP (supervisor session)
  • PRPPST (staff session)

Further information

For registration enquiries please email

For more information about the sessions, please contact the HR Advisory Service on extension 4222 or via email.

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