Health and Safety reps needed


Staff are invited to nominate for one of four positions for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), which are being filled on the Strathfield and North Sydney campuses.

These positions will represent specific work areas and have been created in response to a request from staff members to enhance the University’s consultation about health and safety issues.

As a representative of staff and students on their campus, HSRs make a significant contribution toward improving health and safety outcomes at ACU, including involvement in reviews of related policies, procedures and guidelines. 

HSRs liaise with a variety of people about safety issues, participate in incident investigations, and consult with their local Work, Health and Safety (WHS) Committee and the broader University.

Current WHS Committee representatives are also encouraged to apply for a HSR position.  A HSR position plays an expanded role in advocating for the safety of the campus community.  Also, although such circumstances are rare, HSRs have the additional legal authority to ‘stop’ unsafe work practices.

Training provided

HSRs will attend a five-day training course to strengthen their understanding of the role and their capacity to make a difference through keeping our community safe and well.  The representatives will also improve their knowledge about the WHS tools that are available at ACU to assist with maintaining a safe environment on our campuses.

Are you interested?

For more information about these roles please refer to the Expression of Interest form, or contact Tim Bruce, Coordinator, WHS and Wellbeing on ext 2152 or

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