You can modify the Groups settings for your unit to determine default settings for new activities or override individual activity settings.

Note: if you wish to set a default grouping, please create a grouping before continuing.

  1. Navigate to your unit in LEO.
  2. Click the Cog icon in the unit title bar and choose Edit settings from the menu:
    The unit administration menu
  3. Scroll down the page and click on the Groups heading to expand it.

There are three settings under the Groups section heading that can be customised:

Default groups settings

The Group mode setting

The unit-level Group mode setting affects the unit in two distinct ways:

1. Sets the default Group mode for new activities

The option you choose here will make the Group mode setting for all new activities created in this unit use the selected group mode by default. The Group mode setting for each individual activity you create in your unit can still be changed to suit that activity.

Group modes that are available to set for activities are:

  • No groups - groups are not used and everyone can interact with each other in this activity.
  • Separate groups - group members can only see or interact with other group members.
  • Visible groups - group member can only interact with other group members, but can still view other groups and their work.

2. Enables filtering by group in Gradebook

The Group mode setting also allows staff to filter by groups in Gradebook:

Separate groups filter in Gradebook

The group mode affects the visibility and behaviour of the groups filter in the following ways:

  • No groups - the filter is not available to use.
  • Separate groups - lecturers can only view their own groups.
  • Visible groups - lecturers can view all groups.

If you have several lecturers in your unit that will be using Gradebook, using the Separate groups option is highly recommended to allow them to view separate groups.

The Force group mode setting

If Force group mode is set to "Yes", the individual Group mode setting for all activities in the unit will be ignored, and will instead use the Group mode chosen here in the unit-level settings.

The Default grouping setting

This setting makes the Grouping setting for all new activities in your unit use the Grouping you choose here.

The Grouping setting for individual activities can still be changed for each activity in the unit if required.

Integrate with Tutorial Direct

Check the box next to Integrate with Tutorial direct if you want groups to be automatically imported from Tutorial Direct. This setting should only be used if students are allocating themselves to tutorial groups in Tutorial Direct (sometimes referred to as Allocate Plus).

Allow users to join more than one sign up group

Check the box next to Allow users to join more than one sign up group if you want to allow a user to be a member of multiple sign-up groups at the same time.

Page last updated on 02/09/2021

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