At ACU assessment marking and grading is criterion-referenced and uses standard-based grading. (Assessment Policy, 5.1)

Criterion referenced assessments allow you to identify that a student has achieved the learning outcomes for an assessment task and how well. The level or standard of how well students achieve the learning outcomes is preset according to defined criteria.

The criteria are often set out in a rubric which not only communicates standards but provides vital feedback to students regarding their performance.

This LEO guide focuses on the technical aspects of setting up a rubric in LEO Assignment, and does not cover how to create a pedagogically valuable rubric. See ‘Resources’ section for further suggestions for writing rubrics.

Rubric vs marking guide

Depending your preference, another option is to use a marking guide.


Marking guide

Format Matrix
rubricicon final
marking guide icon final

Standards based grading



Scale - standards of different levels of achievement within a criteria are specified




Can give pre-set marks according to level

Can give a mark up to a specified maximum

Ability to provide advice for markers per criterion



Ability to create bank of ‘Frequently used comments’



Enabling a rubric

There are two ways to add a rubric to Assignment, which are explained in the sections below:

  • Method 1 – add a Rubric in the Assignment settings
  • Method 2 – add a Rubric using the Advanced Grading option
  1. Edit the settings of your assignment, or create a new Assignment.
  2. On the settings page, expand the Grade section, and under the Grading method dropdown select Rubric:
    Rubric option in assignment settings
  3. Note: It is worth noting that under Grade: Maximum grade, whatever number you have in your rubric, that the total the student receives will be recalculated to be a proportion of that maximum grade.

  4. Click the Save and Display button to save your changes and open the Assignment.
  5. On the Assignment screen, click the Cog icon to open the Tool Menu, and choose the Define marking guide option:
    Define marking guide
You can now define your rubric settings. See the Creating a Rubric section below for more information.
  1. In your unit, click on the link to the assignment.
  2. On the Assignment screen, click the Cog icon to open the Tool Menu, and choose the Advanced grading option:
    Advanced grading in the tool menu
  3. On the Advanced grading screen, choose the Rubric option:
    Rubric option in advanced grading
  4. Choose the Define a new grading form from scratch option (Note: you can use the template option to have pre-filled content, if you have been directed to by your LIC or supervisor to do so).
You can now define your Rubric settings. See the Creating a Rubric section below for more information.

When your reach the Define Rubric page, you can now create your rubric.

  1. Give your rubric a Name (required) and a Description (optional).
  2. Add your Criteria. By default, the first has been added with blank fields:
    The first blank rubric criterion
    1. Click the "Click to edit criterion" text to edit the Name of this criterion.
    2. Click the "Click to edit level" text in each column to edit the Name of the level and define how may points (marks) each level awards.
    3. Add any additional criteria or levels required to complete your rubric setup using the following tools:
       delete button Delete
      • If you click the cross in column 1 it will delete the whole criterion (row)
      • If you click the crosses that are in the level columns cells, it will delete that cell (both text and points). So to delete a whole column you’d need to delete each cell individually.
       copy button Copy Creates a copy of this criterion and places it below the current one
       add criterion button Add criterion Creates a blank row for a new criterion
      Move up buttonmove down button  move Once you have created at least two criterion you will have arrow options, which allow you to move criterion up and down in your rubric
       add level button add level Adds an additional level (column)
  3. Make sure the points you have for each row represent the proportions you wish. In this example, where 30 marks is the maximum points a student may receive, the points are allotted to weight each criteria accordingly:
    Example rubric setup
  4. Check the boxes to customise any additional Rubric Options you require.
  5. Click the Save rubric and make it ready button to save and return to your assignment.
    Save rubric and make ready button
  6. You may also choose to Save as draft, meaning this rubric will be saved but not yet applied to the assignment. To edit the rubric again and make it ready
    1. Open the assignment, then click the Cog icon to open the Tool Menu and choose the Define rubric option. Alternatively, choose the Advanced grading option, then click the Edit the current form definition button.
    2. Edit the settings of your rubric, then click the Save rubric and make it ready button or the Save as draft button.

Note: if you select Save as draft students can still see the draft, but your fellow tutors/teachers/academics won’t have access to the draft in the grading area. If you don’t want students to see rubric, you would need to deselect the Allow users to preview rubric in the Rubric Options.

Resources about Moodle Assignment and rubrics:

Resources for writing rubrics:

Page last updated on 13/01/2021

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