Example navigation menu

The Navigation menu

The Navigation menu (see image right) will display your current units as a list under the My units heading.

You can click any of the unit names to go directly to that unit.

This menu is available everywhere in LEO for quick access to your units.

Note: if you cannot see your unit in the My Units list, it may not yet be accessible, or you may not be enrolled in it. Please contact your tutor or course coordinator for more information.

The LEO Dashboard

The Dashboard provides an overview of your units. To access the Dashboard you can:

  • Click the Home link in the navigation menu, then click the purple Dashboard link on the LEO home page.
  • Click your name in the top-right corner of the page, then click the Dashboard link in the profile menu.

On the dashboard, you should see three sections:

  1. All your LEO units, which can be filtered and sorted using the options above the list.
  2. The Timeline, which displays current and upcoming activities in your units.
  3. The Archived units block, which provides access to previous units you were enrolled in.
 Example dashboard

Breadcrumb navigation

While navigating around LEO, you should see the red bar below the page heading, for example Home / My units / Current unit / Discussion Forum. These links are a pathway from the home page to where you are in LEO currently, and can help you navigate back to a unit section, unit homepage or dashboard if you need to.

Unit navigation sub-menu

When inside a unit, a sub-menu of the unit link will appear (see image below), which displays a breakdown of the unit sections and activities, allowing you to locate specific information in the unit.


Click Home from the Navigation menu or from the breadcrumbs to return to the home page.

Relevant blocks may also appear on the right side of your units.

Each unit in LEO may look slightly different depending on your Faculty or your Lecturer. There are some similarities between all units, however.

Unit layout

  • Units will be broken up into sections which could be topic-based or week-based.
  • The first few sections will include important information about the unit such as:
    • a unit outline which includes learning outcomes and due dates for assessments etc.
    • an 'Announcements' forum your lecturer will use to post important notices as they come up
    • an introduction to your lecturer and instructions for how best to contact them.

"Breadcrumbs"/navigation pathway

  • Whatever page you are on, the breadcrumbs on the red bar at the top of the page will tell you the unit you are in and what area or activity you are currently looking at. You can follow the breadcrumbs back by clicking on them - they are active links.

Your unit outline

  • The unit outline is usually located in the Information or top section of your unit.
    NOTE: In some faculties, National units may include your unit outline in your campus section or tile.

Your Grades

  • When assessments are marked in LEO, you can access these marks from the Grades link in the Administration menu.

At the end of each semester of teaching period your units are archived and listed by year:

leo archived units

These units are still accessible, but in a "read only" view. You can access your archived units by clicking 'Dashboard' on your LEO homepage and you will see the archived units section on the bottom right of the page.

You are able to:

  • view the content of the unit
  • view Grades for the unit.

You are not be able to:

  • post to forums
  • submit an assessment
  • view your old assessment submissions or feedback. Please make sure you keep a copy of all your assignments.

ACU provides email and telephone support services for students and staff through its educational technology partner, Androgogic, also known as LEO Support.

The Support Desk operating times are:

  • Monday to Friday, 8am - 10pm (Sydney Time)
  • Weekends and NSW Public Holidays, 9am - 5pm (Sydney Time)
  • Closed: Good Friday and Christmas Day.

For Support Desk enquiries please contact LEO Support via:

  • Telephone on 1800 246 442
    • Calls made to the 1800 number from most fixed line telephones are free to the caller
    • Calls made from public/mobile telephones or from overseas may be charged at a timed rate.
  • Online via LEO.
Page last updated on 13/10/2021

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