Licensing your own work with a Creative Commons license is a simple process, although there are a few steps you need to follow. To license your own work you will need to:

  1. Decide which license is the most appropriate to your needs (to help you choose you can use either the Creative Commons Interactive license picker, or the licensing flowchart).
  2. Apply the license to your work, along with the associated metadata. The method of applying a Creative Commons license to your work will vary depending on the format of your content (video, sound file, webpage etc.).

Click on the headings below to expand the sections.

There are a few resources which are available to you, which can help you decide which license is right for you.

The first is the interactive license chooser, which is available at: Allows you to answer questions (which are available via radio buttons), the license suggested will change depending upon the parameters you suggest.

An additional benefit of the interactive license chooser is that you are able to generate a HTML icon, which you can display on any webpage or space which supports HTML. You can even edit the metadata which can be attached to this HTML icon, for example the 'title' of the content, a URL you would like to link to, and the name of the author.

The license chooser

Alternatively, you can use the Creative Commons licensing flow chart to see which Creative Commonc license is right for you.

Digital Content Hosting

Many content hosting sites have Creative Commons licenses as an inbuilt functionality. For example, when you upload an image to Flickr it will give you the option of applying a Creative Commons license to your work. Similarly, if you upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, you are able to apply a Creative Commons license to your video content. If you upload your content to a host which supports the use of Creative Commons licenses, all of the pertinent metadata will be attached to your digital content without you having to do anything!

Webpages and LEO Units

You may wish to apply a Creative Commons license to content such as webpage, or a blog post. Simply copy and paste the HTML code from the interactive license chooser into any page which supports HTML. The metadata and all pertinent information will be embedded into HML.

For exmple, a HTML attribution for this page, as generated by the interactive license chooser, could look like this:

Creative Commons Licence

How to license your own work with a Creative Commons License by Australian Catholic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

This same license could also be copy/pasted into Word documents and PDFs!

  • To see examples of how to apply a Creative Commons license to all kinds of content including: blog posts, presentation, video, audio file, and dataset, please see 'Marking your work with a CC license' from Creative Commons.
Page last updated on 23/01/2020

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